For most of us, life is meant to be slow, which doesn't equal to boring.
In turn, it means more fulfilling, enjoyable, and inspirational. The key to living a slow life is being able to let go of all the mental weeds that will sometimes monopolize your mind and make you feel like nothing works as it should.
A growing number of people are choosing to escape the pressures and strains of their busy lives by adopting a slow life. A commitment to enjoying every moment, to valuing their families and friends, taking better care of their health and not getting caught up in fight or flight responses.
Our definition of a slow life is an enticing one:
a life of relaxed adventures where each day is looked forward to and enjoyed.
You'd like to take the time to appreciate what's around you and explore the world, without being distracted by society's norms and expectations. But, what's the secret to truly living a slow life, instead of just dreaming it up?
If you take things at your own pace and keep your life free from clutter, eventually, you'll develop a mindset of clarity. The key is to have a clear vision that helps you through your journey towards a slow life.
What really is slow living?
Slow living is the art of being in the present, of understanding that deadlines and sprinting are not mandatory.
It's about slowing down and enjoying life as it comes, without trying to control everything around you. Too much of the world's noise can make your life seem overwhelming and complex.
But there are simple ways to live a more satisfying life and turn your stress into positive energy. Here are 7 steps to help you slow down and start living a life that's perfect for you.
7. Your mind needs a hard reset
Unlimited bandwidth is not a default perk we get to enjoy as humans. As one does with one's home every now and again, there comes a time when a real declutter session has to take place. There simply is no way out of it. You've got no more space to bring any positive change.
Even your Instagram is no longer a place of comfort. You follow too many people whom you no longer connect with! What's the point?
Our advice: pick up a roll of bin bags (biodegradable, preferably :P) and kindly go through your social media, wardrobe, books (yes, we said it!), etc. Strip it down to things you love.
P.S. you don't have to be ruthless with it, rather, honest. Don't stir the pot for yourself by unfollowing friends you still love in the name of 'digital minimalism'! Sentimental items are great. We love them.
6. Add new people into your life
On the other hand... For every two to three people you've said goodbye to on socials, add or focus on someone who you may not know personally, but whose vibes and values you really adore. Take it easy here as well. If it's not someone you utterly admire, it might yet again create the clutter you've just gotten rid of.
Advice for later: hitting 'follow' on social media doesn't immediately enter you into a commitment. You may unfollow anytime.
5. Remember, it's your calendar
Approach each day with expectancy, and be open to beauty and exploration. How many times a month do you spend your weekends in the same manner? Your calendar seeps in appointments and dates with friends – frustrations arise the moment you catch yourself thinking 'ah... isn't this supposed to be time for myself?'
Turn the coin. Savour moments rather than survive them.
Pack your calendar with less. Walk a new route on your morning commute. Pick up a different flavour sandwich at lunchtime. Live well because life itself is an adventure that should be enjoyed in every waking moment...
We know it's hard. The moment we mature, from a youngster to a working part of society – things really change and take a turn. Life speeds up, but it's within our control to lighten the load.
Our tip: don't plan friends dates more than 3 weeks ahead.
4. Reduce time in loud places
Stress and busyness can be destructive to your health and happiness. When you are living in a slow pace, on the other hand, you’re free from those pressures that drain your energy, so you’re able to enjoy the present moment.
You begin to see connections between things that used to just pass by unnoticed; everything seems more interesting. Stepping out of loud places and being in quietude more often opens up the space for your mind to be more sensitive.
3. Pay attention to elements of your life
The slow life is a very different way of living. It's about building experiences, taking time to appreciate what's around you and paying much more attention to details – in the people around you and the things you do.
That includes, consciously choosing the elements of life which you feel a deep connection to. Your clothes, accessories, pretty trinkets and functional life tools are part of that. And, think about your connection to nature.
Take a closer look at Amber, the star of our jewellery. Amber is formed from the resin of trees over millions of years. That's a long time. Giving you an opportunity to deepen connection to nature by wearing that moment in time – now, that's something worth wearing on your finger!
2. Letting ideas cook for some time
Depending on your profession, that might not be the best advice to take in every situation. Hear us out!
Here, we're referring to those ideas which come to you, but you're afraid to act on them in fear you might not do something about them quickly. Like staring a new blog, a secret book draft, something bigger than you're used to.
Contrary to belief, these projects don't have to happen immediately. There is power in brewing ideas before ever jumping into them. At the same time, don't shelf those desires for too long. After a while, you'll start to feel stuffed. It's not random this idea came to you.
Have you ever heard of the theory: the Universe sends an idea to a 1000 people, at the same time. Most people will not execute it, some will try. Will you be the one who allowed it to pass you by, even though you got so excited the moment you received it? Only you know the answer.
1. Say 'yes' to being an eternal student of life
Being a student of life means that you're always learning from others, nature, your surroundings, and even your own reactions. Take advice, listen closely without the need of responding immediately. Choose to take time with yourself, learning in stages.
If you have a chance, take a one-month break from the pressures of modern life and find out how to live in a slow, but fulfilling way.
Go out there and do what you love! It doesn't always have to mean switching your career overnight. The more you keep doing your own thing and following your dreams (as small as buying that cute mug or piece of jewellery), the more enriching, fulfilling and interesting life gets.
Lastly... Don't forget to play the main character life.
Think of your life as a book, with chapters. Each with a different purpose, building a wonderful story.
There will always be twists and turns – most unexpected. But, they will all make sense sooner or later.
Cosy feels,